Posts matching Conferences

4 results

Speaking Engagements, the .net-Awards and Freelancing


Here is a quick overview of my current status and why there are little updates in the blog. Also some great news. Talking at Conferences As you know, if you follow along my stuff, I spoke about coding guidelines at TalkOff Conference in Lille, France in January this year. The conference was organized very well and I had a lot of fun. Besides that I met a lot of great people. Thanks again for the invitation. You can find the slides here. I am also very happy to be invited to UX Munich where I will speak about style guides

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TakeOff Conference: Talking About Good Code


Yesterday (17. January 2013) I was talking at TakeOff Conference in Lille, France. I actually extended my talk from the Fronteer’s Jam Session “Writing Awesome Code” with lots of new stuff. So check out the slides. There will be a video with the actual talk that is not online yet. I will post it here when it is. See slides Just a few words concerning the conference: The organizers are doing a great job here and the speakers are really good. If you’re not here, you are missing out on something :)</p

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Conferencing and Test The Web Forward


Within the last weeks I had the pleasure to attend some of the most valuable conferences in our business and meet awesome people to chat with. Finally I want to share some of my experiences and invite you what’s coming next. Smashing Conference Back in the end of September I attended Smashing Conference, set up by Smashing Magazine and Marc Thiele with some high quality speakers in beautiful Freiburg, Germany, the city where I’m currently living. Focusing on web design and development the smashing way this conference had a variety of topics from the latest secrets of CSS, on the

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